Evaluation of pathogens for men of quick action

Sex – important and an integral part of an harmonious relationship, so the men are extremely careful, starting from their own sexual and reproductive health. Problems with erectile dysfunction occur in 40% of men of middle and advanced age, help to organize the work of the genital organs will help effective pathogen for men.


To select this mode once the instrument is to increase libido and the power is not so simple because of the great offer from drug companies and manufacturers. If this pathogen for the men of quick action, it can be synthetic or natural, national or imported.

What is it pathogenic for humans?

The causative agent is a medication with a special compound, whose components act on all of the processes responsible for the arousal and sexual desire in men. Most of the pathogens are means of vast impact, you solve several problems at once, namely:

  • improve the quality of erection;
  • stimulate sexual desire and libido;
  • increase the diameter and length of the penis;
  • increase the resistance and firmness of the body;
  • increase male fertility;
  • improve the quality of the seminal fluid;
  • prolong the sexual act;
  • to increase the sensitivity and brightness of an orgasm.

When you choose half a person worth taking into consideration your age, the presence of problems and preparation of the body, the etiology of sexual disorders, the recommendations of the physician and the composition of the drug. Today for sale is a huge number of different pathogens, synthetic and natural origin.


Before determining which is best pathogen for man are worth the read with all types and classifications of such funds. The drugs can be in the form of capsules, tablets, and pills, drops and sprays, lubricants and gels, it only remains to become familiar with their composition and the principle of action.

Distinguish between the following types of pathogens for men and women:

  1. Synthetic drugs – agents for quick action, that they take on the prescription of a physician, as they have contraindications and side effects. Despite the risks, the strong agents, giving an immediate effect after application.
  2. Natural medicines – supplements with plant and animal components, and, therefore, confident agents of a great action, giving a gradual increasing effect. Dietary supplements do not have contra-indications and the risks of side effects, and it is also a complex act on the whole body.
  3. Homeopathic remedies natural pathogens of natural origin, based recipes, and the theory of traditional medicine.
  4. Dried apricots
  5. Aphrodisiacs — the pathogens without side effects, presented in the form of particular foods, esters, volatile substances, pheromones, bitter. In addition, the impact on the sexual sphere, these substances stimulate the immune system and strengthen the health.

How do pathogenic for men with their hands?

If a man has no contraindications to the drugs for potency and libido, you can use the assistant drugs. This can be a popular remedy of the recipes handed down from generations, many centuries. Then, prepare the sex pathogen can be as follows:

  1. Dried apricots – with the help of a blender, whip, and crushed apricots with prunes and raisins, add 500 ml of red wine, after which the mixture is heated on the fire now. First of all sexual relations take for 100 ml of the product.
  2. Parsley with sour cream – take 100 g walnuts, ground blender, add to the mixture the cream and the chopped parsley, whisk until smooth. Drink a cocktail need during the day.
  3. Honey – with the help of a blender honey mixed with garlic, after which mixture to use is 50 ml before the sexual act.

Some experts suggest that even before the sexual act to apply the patches to the soles of the feet and footprints. This will accelerate the blood circulation, stimulating potency and erection the natural way.